Saturday, February 20, 2010

BE HEALTHY: I'm running HOW far?!?

One of my resolutions this year is to be healthy by doing things that are just generally good for my physical and mental health.

A bit of background: I've always considered myself to be an athlete; I've been swimming since I was 9, played soccer for a stint from 6th-8th grade, then switched over to water polo for high school and college. I love sports and excercise as it is a great way to relieve stress, keep the scale in a happy place, and I've always been blessed to have awesome teammates who were there for a laugh, a cheer, and a good kick in the butt when I needed it.

After taking a bit of a hiatus from the world of athletics after college (I tried the gym thing...we just really didn't get along. We've agreed to disagree), I'm back on the sports bandwagon! I've been part of the FINS Aquatics team for a year now, and had an awesome time playing Soccer and Softball (Yeah Master Batters!) last year.

...and now it is time for a new challgenge. On April 23, 2010 I will be running a half-marathon. Yes, that's right, I will be running 13 miles. The water girl is going amphibious in 2010. Watch out!

I'm totally scared and intimidated by the idea of running 13 miles (apparently I have to do it all at once...). But here's why kicked the fear to the curb and signed right up:

1) It's something new. I am stepping outside of my comfort zone. ("What do you mean I won't be in a pool!?!?") I suspect (and will report on later) that stepping out of my comfort zone in one area of my life will lead to the same in other areas of my life. Today: run 13 miles. Tomorrow: conquer the world!

2) It's something to work toward. After college, there are very few opportunities to set concrete, short-term goals for yourself. So all of that energy that I used to put toward college applications/midterms/finals/group projects/job applications, I will now be putting toward bettering myself and my heath. My Type A side is rejoicing.

3) Focus and Discipline. I'm going to be training for 12 weeks to prepare for the big race which will be an awesome exercise in focus and discipline. Especially on the days when running a breezy 7 miles seems unappetizing....

4) Better Health (a.k.a. Skinny Pants).  As I will be running 10-20 miles per week for the next 12 weeks. I better lose some weight. Oh yeah, and improve my cardiovascular health and muscle strength which will help me to fight heart disease and osteoporosis later in life.

5) Cuz my crazy boyfriend asked me. Did I mention this was his idea? It'll be great to have the quality time with him while doing somehting fun and healthy...and he'll be there to give me a little push when I need it (literally...he's already had to push me up a hill!)

Well, stay tuned for progress reports!

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